The Young Masters High School Art Classroom Assistance Program
This element of the Young Masters Art Program allows any high school in Montana the opportunity for professional assistance with regards to purchasing additional art equipment for needed classroom art supplies, workshops for single students or entire classrooms, or to bring in professional artists to instruct classes for a given period of time. NOTE: It is not the intent of the Young Masters Art Program to supplant any school's art budget, rather to supplement with funds to bring in new elements and opportunities related to focused art instruction.
High school art instructors may apply for the supplement funds to assist their programs by meeting specific requirements. These requirements include, but are no limited to, additional funding for specialized supplies for classroom projects, additional funds for class attendance to seminars, transportation costs for class to attend art related events, or equipment such as electronic drawing pads or design tools. Applications for Classroom Scholarships are accepted on an ongoing basis.Classroom Scholarships opportunities are funded in part by the generosity of out contributors.
Click here to download the classroom assistance program:
The Young Masters High School Art Classroom Assistance Program
Young Masters also provides Micro-Scholarships to help enhance and encourage participation in the arts. Students may apply for grants up to $200.00 for art classes, art malarial. or other items related to their personal growth in the visual arts. Applications for Micro-Scholarships are accepted on an ongoing basis.
Click here to download the Micro-Scholarship Application:
Young Masters College Scholarship
Through the generous donations of our contributors, The Young Masters offers several college scholarships annually. These scholarships, from the Phil and Karen Korell Art Scholarship Fund, are up to $2500.00 and are available statewide. Applicants may include not only art majors, but students who plan to focus on the fields of art education, graphic art and design, architecture, or drafting. This year , the scholarship deadline is on February 15 at 5:00 PM.
Click here to download the College Scholarship Application:
Zach Babat Memorial Fine Art Scholarship
This scholarship opportunity is funded by the family and friends of artist, Zach Babat in the hope that young artists will continue to learn, experiment, and perfect their skills. The scholarships are available for any Montana high school senior who plans to pursue a career in fine art, art education, or design. The deadline for the scholarship in February 15 at 5:00
Click here to download the Application:
Out West Art Show and the Horizon Credit Union Present the Young Masters Juried Art Show
As part of the Out West Art Show, the advanced high school art student from around the area of Great Falls, are asked to submit an example of their art creations to the Young Masters Juried Art Show. Two weeks before the Out West Art Show, the top twenty will be displayed at the Horizon Credit Union on River Road in Great Falls, MT. Cash prizes will be given to the students for the top three pieces selected by People's Choice Voting at the Credit Union. All the entries will be taken to the Heritage Inn in Great Fall during the Out West Art Show and will be on display in the Young Masters Gallery. Dates and deadlines for the Juried Show can be requested through the Out West Art Show. We are very grateful to the Horizon Credit Union for their support of the Young Masters Juried Art Show.
2023 Young Masters Juror's Choice Awards:
1st = “Lunch Time” by Maggie Toekes,
Power High School
2nd = “Ship” by Bryce Bedford,
Power High School
3rd (Tie) = “Self Portrait” by Riley Robinson,
Great Falls High School
3rd (Tie) = “untitled” by Madelena Preston,
Great Falls High School
4th (Tie) = “Lion” by Quinci Neuman,
Power High School
4th (Tie) = “The Prowl” by Daniel Davis,
Power High School
2023 Peoples Choice Award Winners:
1st = "The Prowl" by Daniel Davis
2nd = "Ship" by Bryce Bedford
3rd = "Grandpa" by Mark Douglas
2023 Scholarship Award Winners:
Maggie Toeckes,
Korrell Scholarship $2500, Zach Babat Scholarship $500
Izzabella Rukavina,
Korrell Scholarship $1700
Darrah Rogers,
Korrell Scholarship $2200